In no particular order: Serpico, War and Peace, Three Days of the Condor, Dune, La Strada, Conan the Barbarian, Army of Darkness, Barbarella, Blue Velvet, and my personal favorite, Nights of Cabiria. Those are just a few of the cinematic landmarks that Dino left behind.
It hits close to home as he built the studio in North Carolina that facilitated my initiation into film production. Ciao, Dino.
"Everybody cry when the big monkey die", but everybody in Wilmywood happy when "King Kong Lives"!
I wouldn't be where I am right now (sitting in an office at the former DEG studio) if not for Dino. Grazie, Signore!
I was so tempted to use that quote but I still have no idea whether or not he actually said it. There are so many versions! Yes, none of us would have black mold in our lungs if it weren't for Dino and his leaky roofs. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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