I met some Benedictine monks who built a sweat lodge for the monastery cook. At their daily Mass were some nuns who supported themselves by breeding Great Pyrennees hounds. . . Just how ugly is that new cathedral in L.A>?
Sister Janet's funky 70s lords prayer is on a 70s rhino cd. My 1st grade catechism teacher played the 45 record about 3 times in class- telling us God loves to hear children pray and sing- so combine them and he was REALLY listening. She also told us to say a Hail Mary at every sound of an ambulance or fire truck... A habit I just broke recently.
I met some Benedictine monks who built a sweat lodge for the monastery cook. At their daily Mass were some nuns who supported themselves by breeding Great Pyrennees hounds. . . Just how ugly is that new cathedral in L.A>?
Is there some Canadian VH1 for Catholics that I don't know about?
And are the Lutherans still producing "Davey and Goliath"?
Sister Janet's funky 70s lords prayer is on a 70s rhino cd.
My 1st grade catechism teacher played the 45 record about 3 times in class- telling us God loves to hear children pray and sing- so combine them and he was REALLY listening. She also told us to say a Hail Mary at every sound of an ambulance or fire truck... A habit I just broke recently.
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