Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today's Bible Lesson with Val Kilmer

Here is an edited version of what I managed to record from television late last Friday night of Kilmer speaking some bizarre bullshit on behalf of Christian Science Publications, 2009. He spent an hour alternately reading from The Holy Bible and Science & Health.
His mind has been thrown in the slammer!!! HALP!
And though I tried to resist, I had to throw in a funny bone or three.

I half expected him to break in to "How silly can you get?" from TOP SECRET at any moment.


Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

The Kilmer's head has gone.

Pantheon Zeus said...

Religion been beddy beddy good to me.

Val played Moses in a rather lame TEN COMMANDMENTS the MUSICAL at the the Kodak Theater - Hollywood that flopped.

American Idol glam dude Adam Lambert played Joshua in it. Good lord!

Donna Lethal said...

WHAT?! I know, I was hoping that this was from the Ten Commandments. If we could have gotten free tickets, Zeus and I would have gone, but you know they would have thrown us out for bad behavior.

Speaking of bad behavior, I dated a Teamster back when I lived in NY. They had to have a "talk" w/Mr. Kilmer for his horrible treatment of his assistant. Suffice to say, the poor gal suffered no longer.

Mavis Martini said...

Lordy! Kilmer has been to Wilmy twice now-most recently, just this spring. There are tales left in his wake!

Keith said...

Yikes! I didn't know he had gotten hooked up with them.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have the video??