While waiting for a rumoured reboot of Babylon 5 the groundbreaking TV show from the 90s we were treated to a surprise animated movie with the original characters and starring the voices of the surviving cast.
The story revolves around a time travel/ alternate universe concept that has new Interstellar Alliance president John Sheridan leaping around reality because of an accident involving a new power source starting up. It was written by J. Michael Straczynski who created the original show and all it's various spinoffs. The animation is pretty good and some of the shots are beautifully done and while it might be heavy on fan service, seeing these characters in a new adventure that takes place before the end of the series was nothing short of wonderful. This will limit it's appeal to newcomers but it obviously wan't made for anyone not familiar with the original but it also likely added new enthusiasm that the reboot, long spoken about but never materializing might actually be coming.
I admit I am a fan of the show and this was at treat for me even though multiverse/time travel plots are not my favourite thing in the world. The proposed new show will not be a continuation so this was a last chance to see it in it's old form with the characters and actors fans like me love so much.
I really wanted to get into this show, but I never did. I was at a sci fi convention before the show came out and J. Michael was there with a reel of stuff, sort of pitching the show to the audience. For the time, it looked great and we all were excited for a sci fi show that had an overarching plot, beginning, middle and end. Someday, maybe I will try and go back to it.
ReplyDeleteThe followup show "Crusade" is pretty... awful. I love Babylon 5, though it is dated at this point and not every episode is a classic. I really liked how much more progressive the show was. they had a powerful AIDS episode and a gay character and gay people were mentioned and always as a normal thing. Not all the planets were monocultures and some had to breath other than earth like air and had different gravity etc. I am a nerd for that stuff.