Even though Morbius the Living Vampire was touted as the the first Marvel Universe horror movie, this movie fits that description much better. Sam Raimi is very restrained in this sequel to Doctor Strange but not completely tied down. Like most marvel films, violence is limited but very much present in this film and the presence of a zombie, scary deathly creatures and the return of the Scarlet Witch (whose performance by Elizabeth Olsen is one of the highlights of the movie) got right into the occult with no looking back on "scientific" explanations for what is happening on screen.
Like all films form this studio... great effects, cheeky dialogue and a million easter eggs from other films and the comics abound. Sadly, like many of the latest marvel outings this film does not have a self contained story to tell and doesn't even really end. It just keep on going into the post credit sequence and leaves you not waiting for a new adventure but hanging on the one you just saw.
Oddly the multiverse angle seems more constrained than in the last Spiderman movie which might be a good tactic. There is only so much batshit crazy audiences can deal with. It does have a very jack Kirby inspired monster and the new character America Chavez holds her own with the returning cast members from previous films. Sadly, even her story gets no resolution.
Fun, visually stunning but in my opinion it's hard t care about movies the don't actually begin or end over the runtime.
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