Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Morning Rambles

I can't remember what I was looking for when I found this one, but it hardly matters. Oh, wait--I was looking up Joseph Losey's "The Damned", which led me to the band and their cover of "Jet Boy, Jet Girl", and then there was this:

I must get back into the PLATTENKUCHE and make some toast now! I'll tackle "The Damned" another day!


  1. bizzarre!
    I love that cover.. I often listen to Platic Bertrand's "Ca PLane pour moi" which I think is the origin of the tune.. but not those lyrics!

  2. NO! Plastic Bertrand's is the cover of this! These lyrics were too much and it was re-done with this band!

  3. Wow! That was really cool. I've never seen that before. Thanks for posting it up here.

  4. Plastic Bertrand! Elton Motello! The Damned! God Bless us, every one.
